Promo Mechanics:
4829 | Money Transfer - Merchant |
6050 | Quasi Cash - Customer Financial Institution |
6051 | Quasi Cash - Merchant |
6211 | Securities – Brokers/Dealers |
6532 | Payment Transaction – Customer Financial Institution |
6533 | Payment Transaction - Merchant |
6536 | MoneySend Intracountry |
6537 | MoneySend Intercountry |
6538 | MoneySend Funding |
6540 | POI Funding Transactions |
6760 | U.S. Savings Bonds |
8651 | Political Contributions/Organizations |
9211 | Court Costs including Alimony and Child Support |
9222 | Fines |
9223 | Bail & Bond Payments |
9411 | Gov. Loan Payments |
7995 | Casino/Gambling |
9223 | Bond or Bail Payment. |
Per DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-150282 Series of 2022