You can search for and download the RCBC Pulz app from the Google Store or App Store.
If you are an existing RCBC Digital user, you can use your current Username & Password to log in to RCBC Pulz.
If you download RCBC Pulz on your device, it will be an additional application on your list. It will not replace your existing RCBC Digital app, and will appear as two distinct apps on your list.
For your security, RCBC Pulz will require you to register your device. After device registration, there will be a 24-hour verification/holding period before you can access your RCBC accounts in the new app. To ensure continued access to your accounts, DO NOT uninstall the existing RCBC Digital app. During the 24-hour holding period for RCBC Pulz, you can still access your accounts via the existing RCBC Digital app.
If it is your first time using RCBC Pulz and have not previously downloaded or used the RCBC Digital app, simply follow these steps:
You can have up to three devices linked to your RCBC Pulz and RCBC Digital apps.
Mobile device registration is required to access a newly installed RCBC Pulz/RCBC Digital on a new device. When logging in for the first time, you will be asked to input the One-Time Password (OTP) sent to your registered mobile number to confirm your request to add a new device and complete your device registration.
Please note that there’s a 24-hour holding period for every device registration.
Below are some of the changes under the "Credit Cards" tab/dashboard:
View Statement
Separate view of Transactions made by the Virtual and Supplementary Cards
Recent Transactions
Separate view of Transactions made by the Virtual and Supplementary Cards
Bills Payment
View Rewards
You can quickly check your available Rewards Points as of the latest Statement.