Up to ₱200 OFF on GrabFood & Grab Transport with RCBC World Mastercard


  1. This promo is only valid for RCBC World Mastercard.
  2. Promo period is until April 30, 2025.
  3. Offer is limited to 1 GrabFood voucher worth ₱100 and 1 Grab Transport voucher worth ₱100 per eligible Cardholder per month. 
  4. Valid on a first-come-first-served basis, based on daily quota.


  1. Make an order on GrabFood or GrabTransport
  2. Upon checkout, click "Offers" and key in promo code MCGRAB
  3. Ensure that the payment method is an RCBC World Mastercard saved on user account to enjoy the promo
  4. Place order/ Book ride
  5. Locate other Mastercard Free promo under "Rewards"


  1. Orders can only be made with RCBC World Credit Card as the mode of payment.
  2. A successful redemption is only made upon checkout.
  3. There are limited redemptions available for the promotion period.
  4. The promo codes will be made unavailable when they have been fully redeemed.
  5. Grab reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to vary, add to, or delete the promotion terms, extend, and/or terminate the promotion at any time.
  6. This promotion is valid on the latest Grab app version only.
  7. This voucher is applicable for use on a single GrabFood booking in your respective jurisdiction only.
  8. Any outstanding balance after deducting the face value of the voucher must be paid in full using cashless payment modes.
  9. This voucher is not valid on GrabMart merchant listings in GrabFood.
  10. This voucher does not apply to surcharges and platform fees.
  11. The voucher may not be used in conjunction with other promotions, discounts, or vouchers unless otherwise indicated.
  12. This voucher must be fully utilised and any unutilised amount will be forfeited.
  13. This voucher is non-refundable, non-transferable, and only valid until the date of expiry.


  1. Orders can only be made with RCBC World Mastercard Credit Card as the mode of payment.
  2. A successful redemption is only made upon checkout.
  3. There are limited redemptions available for the promotion period.
  4. The promo codes will be made unavailable when they have been fully redeemed.
  5. Grab reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to vary, add to, or delete the promotion terms, extend, and/or terminate the promotion at any time.
  6. This promotion is valid on the latest Grab app version only.
  7. This voucher is applicable for use on a single Transport booking in your respective jurisdiction only.
  8. Any outstanding balance after deducting the face value of the voucher must be paid in full using cashless payment modes.
  9. This voucher is applicable for all fleet types except GrabHitch and GrabShuttle/GrabCoach.
  10. This voucher does not apply to surcharges and platform fees, and cannot be stacked with other promotions or discounts unless otherwise indicated.
  11. This voucher must be fully utilized and any unutilized amount will be forfeited.
  12. This voucher is non-refundable, non-transferable, and only valid until the date of expiry.

DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-194538 Series of 2024