Sun Grepa First Aid Plus

Sun Grepa First Aid Plus is an affordable health protection plan that provides cash benefits so you can worry less about costly medical bills due to hospital confinement or surgery. In addition, Sun Grepa First Aid Plus also provides benefits for unforeseen events such as untimely passing, accidents, and disability.

Product Highlights:

  • Hospitalization benefits
    Receive a fixed cash benefit for each day of hospitalization, with amount depending on your chosen plan.
  • Protection benefits
    Secure your family’s future with life insurance protection equal to the total premiums* paid. This benefit doubles in the event of accidental death.

    For total disability, premiums are waived. This spares you the worry on paying for future premiums due.
  • Money-back feature
    Get up to 75% of your total premiums* paid when you outlive the protection period of 10 years, with or without hospitalization.
  • Hassle-Free application
    Speeds up the application process through its Simplified Issue Offer, allowing you to apply for coverage without undergoing any medical examination, subject to the limits of Sun Life Grepa.

*Total premiums will be based on the original annual premiums at policy effective date. This is net of any extra premium and/or modal loading.

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NOTE: Benefits indicated above are subject to the specific guidelines set by Sun Life Grepa and the actual provisions of the insurance policy contract. This product is subject to exclusions and/or provisions on pre-existing conditions and gives you the right to a cooling-off period, as stated in the insurance policy contract.

You will be entitled to the following benefits:

Hospitalization Benefits

  • Daily Hospital Income (DHI) - A fixed cash benefit will be provided for each day of hospital confinement1.
  • Maximum of 180 days per year for sickness
  • Maximum of 365 days per year for accident
  • Maximum of 90 days per hospital admission
  • Long-term Hospital Income (LTHI) - Additional cash benefit per day will be provided if hospitalization exceeds 30 days with respect to the same confinement.
    • Maximum of 180 days per year for sickness
    • Maximum of 35 days per year for accident
    • Maximum of 60 days per hospital admission
  • Intensive Care Unit Income (ICU) - Additional cash benefit per day will be provided in case of confinement in the ICU
  • Maximum of 180 days per year, whether confinement is due to sickness or accident
  • Maximum of 90 days per hospital admission
  • Surgical Expense Benefit - An additional lump sum cash benefit will be provided in the event a covered surgical operation is performed, subject to the amounts and limits as specified in the benefit schedule.

Protection Benefits

  • Life Insurance Protection - In case of untimely passing, this plan will provide your family a lump sum cash benefit equal to the total of original annual premiums2
  • Accidental Death Benefit (built-in) - In case of untimely passing due to accident, additional cash benefit equal to the total of original annual premiums2 paid will also be given.
  • Total Disability Benefit (built-in) - This plan offers you waiver of premiums in case of total and permanent disability.

Money Back Feature

  • Return of Premium (ROP) - If you outlive the protection period, 50% or 70% of the original annual premiums2 paid will be given back to you at the end of the 10th policy year, with or without hospitalization.

1Confinement in a Hospital as a resident in-patient for at least 24 hours for the treatment of Injury or Sickness commencing after the 30-day waiting period, if applicable. The confinement must be recommended by a Physician and must occur during the effectivity of the policy.

2Original annual premium is the annual premium at policy effective date, excluding any extra premium and/or modal loadings without interest.

Note: Benefits indicated here are subject to the specific guidelines set by Sun Life Grepa and the actual provisions of the insurance policy contract. This product is subject to exclusions and/or provisions on pre-existing conditions and gives the client the right to a cooling-off period, as stated in the insurance policy contract.

Waiting Period:

A waiting period of 30 days applies before the benefit becomes payable for any hospital confinement that may arise due to sickness of the life insured from the date the benefit comes into force, or from the date of last reinstatement, whichever is later. If hospital confinement is due to injury from accident, the waiting period does not apply.

Pre-Existing Conditions:

During the first twelve (12) months from the effective date of this policy or date of last reinstatement, no benefits will be provided for Hospital Confinement due to any pre-existing conditions.

Pre-Existing Condition refers to sickness or Injury which existed or was existing, or where the life insured had knowledge, signs or symptoms of the injury or sickness, or where medical advice or treatment or any laboratory test or investigation showed the presence of the injury or sickness, within two (2) years prior to the effective date of the policy or date of last reinstatement, whichever is later.

Once a pre-existing condition is covered, such condition will be treated as covered injury or sickness already, unless the policy has lapsed and has been reinstated.

Hospital Income Benefit Exclusions:

No benefit will be paid in case hospital confinement of the life insured is caused by or resulting from any of the following:

  • Confinement in a hospital due to Sickness during the waiting period of 30 days from the date this benefit comes into force, or its last reinstatement whichever is later;
  • Pre-existing conditions subject to the provision on pre-existing condition as defined in the policy;
  • Attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury while sane or insane;
  • War, declared or undeclared, insurrection, riots, rebellion, civil commotion or hostile action of armed forces;
  • Abuse of drug or alcohol;
  • Committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense;
  • Nervous or mental disorder;
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or abortion or complication of any of these;
  • Congenital deformities or defects;
  • Routine physical check-up and rest cures;
  • Cosmetic or plastic surgery, except as a result of Injury and recommended by a physician;
  • Any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or any HIV-related illness including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and/or any mutations, deprivation or variations thereof;
  • Engaging in aviation other than as a fare paying passenger on a licensed public or chartered air service;
  • Engaging in/practicing for/training or taking part in scuba diving, any form of Combat, any kind of racing on horse or wheel, climbing or mountaineering necessitating the use of ropes or guides, parachuting, hang gliding, hunting, extreme or professional sports with the exception of basketball;
  • Hospital Confinement for rest cures, periodic checkups, any dental work, dental treatment or eye examination except as a result of Injury;
  • Inhaling any gas or fumes, except if inhalation is accidental AND in the course of duty;

Accidental Death Benefit Exclusions:

No benefit will be paid in case of death from any of the following:

  • Homicide;
  • Suicide;
  • Poison, carbon monoxide or drug overdose;
  • Self-inflicted firearm injury;
  • Committing a criminal offense;
  • Insurrection, civil commotion or hostile action of armed forces whether or not the life insured was actually participating therein;
  • Engaging in aviation other than as a fare paying passenger on a licensed public or chartered air service;
  • Engaging in/practicing for/training or taking part in scuba diving, any form of Combat, any kind of racing on horse or wheel, climbing or mountaineering necessitating the use of ropes or guides, parachuting, hang gliding, hunting, extreme or professional sports with the exception of basketball.


Total Disability Benefit Exclusions:

No premiums shall be waived in case condition is:

  • Lasting less than six months except for total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of all vision in both eyes, or severance of two limbs at or above the wrist or ankle;
  • From self-inflicted injuries;
  • From insurrection, civil commotion or hostile action of armed forces, whether or not the life insured is actually participating therein;
  • From injury sustained of disease contracted, in either event, before applying for this benefit unless the injury or disease was disclosed in the application;
  • From drug or alcohol abuse;
  • From mental and nervous conditions;
  • From committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense


Note: The above information is intended as a general summary and for reference only. Important information about this product is contained in the insurance policy contract. Should there be any discrepancy between the statement(s) contained in this page and the insurance policy contract, the provisions of the insurance policy contract will prevail.



Explore our FAQs 

Sun Grepa First Aid Plus is a 10-year term, hospital income plan that does not require any medical examination. It provides the following benefits:

• Fixed and guaranteed cash benefit per each day of confinement

• Cash benefit doubles if the confinement is in an Intensive Care Unit or if the confinement lasts for more than 30 consecutive days

• Lumpsum benefit in case of surgery

• Life and accident insurance

• Return of 50% or 75% of total original annual premiums paid will be returned at the end of the 10th policy year, regardless whether there were hospitalization claims paid during the policy term

The minimum DHI benefit is Php 2,000 per day. The maximum DHI benefit is Php 10,000 per day, provided that the insured does not have other hospital income plans with Sun Life Grepa.

Yes, there is a waiting period of 30 days from issue date of the policy or date of last reinstatement. If confinement is due to accident, waiting period is not applicable.

The maximum number of days payable is 90 days per admission. For multiple confinements, insured may claim up to 180 days for sickness-related confinement and up to 365 days for accident-related confinement. 

 Surgical Benefit is based on a pre-determined benefit schedule of surgical procedures defined in the policy contract. The Surgical Benefit payable per year is up to 10x of the DHI amount availed.

Yes. If the insured gets hospitalized due to Covid-19, he or she will receive the applicable Daily Hospital Income and/or ICU cash benefit (in case of confinement in the ICU). 

All duly-registered hospitals are covered. 

Hospital confinement due to any pre-existing conditions will be payable if the life insured is free of medical advice or treatment for 12 consecutive months from the first day of confinement for which a claim is being made. Otherwise, no benefit will be payable. 

The hospital income benefit must be filed by the policy owner-insured after his discharge from the hospital. In the event of a hospital confinement for a period exceeding 14 days, the owner-insured can request for a periodic payment but not more than twice a month.

Yes, hospitalization abroad is covered. 

Your coverage will take effect up ROP is computed based on the total regular annual premiums paid. Regular annual premiums exclude any modal interest (for non-annual payments) and extra premiums due to additional rating.

Yes, all policyholders are eligible to receive the ROP regardless whether they have previous claims or none. 

The life insurance benefit is equal to the total regular annual premiums paid. In case the death is due to accident, an additional benefit equal to the total regular annual premiums paid will be given to the beneficiaries.

You will have to keep on paying for 10 years in order to enjoy continuous coverage.